Currently listening: Enrique Iglesias - Do You Know
had a pre-birthday party session yesterday night.
Date: 8th March 2008
Time: 7pm
Venue: Rumah ku.
most of the P1-ians came:-
Kim Yi, Melissa, Shen Yee, Wei Jie, Xin Fang and Sheng Yi.
Chris came as well.
The BBQ started up with a ice-breaking session - getting the fire started =.=
mom prepared lots of food! yumm yummm..
the pics are quite blur le. but waddahell..
3 types of sausages
there's also sambal fish, tomyam squid, dori fish with lemon sauce, marshmallow and jagung.
the best thing is, you can barbeque all these stuff ~
Thank You mummy~
107 pics in total O_O
all thanks to my cameralady Miss Khoo Khoo Pau.
Dori fish with Lemon Sauce.

Mel. dim gai lei expose =/
Mr.Lai, dim gai mou shave
the girls. kimyi and i missing in action.

3 different facial expression.


lougong's second wife.

bathe, chilled and mahjoong-ed for awhile.
suddenly, it started to rain. quite heavily.
so we moved the table and chairs and settld inside at the stone table.
so we moved the table and chairs and settld inside at the stone table.
i name this pic "huh mm ....dots"
Me: "huh??"
Kim: "uhmmmm.. hoiiishiiii.."
Sheng: "...................." *night dreaming*
what u thinking la sheng?
Sheng: "...................." *night dreaming*
what u thinking la sheng?
after meat ripping session.
its dessert time~!
mom made her famous 3 layered agar-agar.
prepared fruit punch ( i hope i spelled correctly) and more fruits!
can you believe it? im actually 19 already!
and i'll be 20 next year! wth.
and... some individual pics.
Kim and Ong left at 12+am.
i drove all the way to ss15's Asia Cafe at 12.15am and dropped Sheng there.
Mel, Vege and Shen sleptover.
bathe, chilled and mahjoong-ed for awhile.
slept at 3am.
woke up at 6.45am this morning.
woke the others up as well.
if you're wondering...
its not that i've got nothing better to do laaa.
shen gotta fetch her sis somewhere at 8am.
so she gotta rush back to pick her sister up.
after they ciao-ed.
i continued sleeping =.=
thanks guys, for a memorable night.
thanks for coming!
dint expect u guys get to crawl all the way from subang/damansara to get to my place.
hheheeee... hou sweet ahhh!!!
thank you mom.
for preparing all the stuff for me.
i guess i've already expressed my thankfulness this morning?
a big hug!
more birthday post coming right up!
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