If you just realized what I just realized
Then we'd be perfect for each other
Then we'd never find another
Just realized what I just realized
We'd never have to wonder if
We missed out on each other now.
Pre-birthday post
Date: 9th March 2008
Venue: MidValley
should have post this up before my actual birthday post. but whaddahell.
went to midvalley the other day. with ah be
started heels hunting right after i reached there.
went to lotsa shops. Vinci, Nose, Vior and even Bata! wth =.=
finally bought myself a pair of heels from Nose.
birthday present for myself lol
went to Madam Kwan's for lunch.
a.k.a Nasi Lemak
walked around MV. wanted to buy a shirt from MNG.
but it was too expensive T_T
it was almost 4pm when we finished our lunch.
chris said we gotta ciao at 6pm.
i know there's something on but im not sure what is it.
he has been receiving messages the whole day!
since we got nothing better to do, i suggested for food hunting session again.
wanted to have J.Co doughnut, but there isnt J.Co shops around.
just big apple. and its at The Gardens.
went to Aunty Anne's. but there's no seats available.
in the end, we went to Secret Recipie.
My fav~!
we ciao-ed at 5.45pm.
went to Peter's house to pick him up.
i realize something fishy was going on when Chris said we're going to Capri.
all the way from MV to Capri? kinda wierd ma.....
but anyways. we went there lah.
Mei came one hour later.
realize what's the common thing they have between them?
Miss Panda came 2 hours later!!
wanted to go other place for dinner.
but because we were too hungry. so we ate dinner at Capri instead.
panda's parents was chasing her back home.
so the guys insisted of going home early.
after all, its a day after election.
chris send me home.
i bathe.
right after i finish bathing.
Chris called me. he asked me to get something from him.
i thought he was joking because i fooled him before previously on his birthday.
but he said its real. and asked me to go down immediately.
so i went down.
opened the gate.
i know it was them. just that i cant see them cause it's dark outsite.
suddenly...... SURPRISE!
its really them! hiding behind my car!
on top of my car there's a small and cute looking cake.
i was damn shocked wei!
good job la guys =.=
really ke =/
so i split the cake into 5 pieces.
right after that, i heard someone singing "happy birthday to you... happy birthday to you....."
it was Panda. she was holding a cake with Mei beside her.
this time, its the normal big round cake!
shocked for the second time.
i froze and smiled.
thank you guys. for such a memorable night.
its been a long time since we gathered. i never thought that we still get to hang out that often nowadays. since we kinda lost contact previously. Im glad that i have u guys as my friends. Friendship forever kay? NO MORE ARGUEMENT. MORE LEPAK-ING!
-hugs and kisses-
thats all for my birthday post.
time for dinner.
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