Friday, December 26, 2008

I'm starting to hate planning reunions. I mean, I love organizing this kinda stuff, but it really got into my nerves when I've been changing dates continuously for 4 fucking times! Why? Just to make majority of the people available. And the thing that really pissed me off is when someone wouldn't care replying ANY of my messages nor answering my calls! I've been calling the same person for 3 times and send several messages, still no reply. When that person finally picked up my phone, I am being accused for not informing some of the details that I've already told. And please la, if you don't want to go then just tell la. There's no need to sound irritated and frustrated. Plus I really do feel like I am wasting my money calling hopeless people like you. How am I suppose to know whether you are going anot? Eh I have to make reservation okay. Diu. From today onwards, I am not gonna give a damn towards you anymore. Seriously, it's not just you that has feelings, I have my own limits too! Diu.

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