Saturday, April 5, 2008

achieved my goal for the day....

1. studied all the chapters for business stats.

2. did business stats homework.

3. printed my psychology sources.
it took me 45 mins to print 4 damn pages.
really pissed me off okay.
its time to call for a change.

4. completed my psychology interlearn 4.1.1.

Virtues are those traits admired by good people and that help us to perform our natural function, i.e. to live rational, social lives.

The right thing to do is usually a mean, or really just a middle way, between two extremes. In battle you should be neither too cowardly nor too rash.

True happiness is a life of activity in accordance with virtue. << as if

"Man is by nature a political animal." << mlm

that's all Aristotle's theory alright.
been reading lots and lots of article.
no more Aristotle after today.

2 more interlearns to go.

its a boring, sickening, frustrating, depressing, annoying and pissifying day.

ps: pissing me off is not an option.

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