Friday, January 11, 2008

The most memorable dinner ever!

Went for dinner at 8pm yesterday night. Just the 3 of us- Chris, Peter and me.
Well this is not the first time Im having dinner together with 2 guys.
So, why did i say its the MOST MEMORABLE dinner that i had??

Well.. We went to somewhere around Kuchai Lama for BBQ + steamboat.
I ordered watermelon juice and we started BBQ-ing..
Everything was fine..


Half way through our meal, the pot that we use for steamboat spilled!
Can u imagine what happens if a pot of hot boiling soup spilled on to your lap??

BUT thankfully, our Mr. Chong get to hold on to the pot with a pair of chopsticks.
If not, I'll be laying in the hospital now with both COOKED "gai beiS"!
Everyone was looking at us when this happened.
paiseh.... =.=

After such an "exciting" dinner, Chris send Peter back home.
When we are getting out from Serdang and heading towards my area, Bukit Jalil, we need to go pass a traffic light before turning in.
The traffic light was turning YELLOW to RED.
I ask Chris to STOP!!! But our Mr. Wise guy DID NOT!
There's a road block right after the traffic light.
So u know what happened la... The police asked us to stop..

I still find it quite hilarious the conversation between the police and Mr.Wise guy.. It was like this...

Police: "Tadi traffic light dah merah tau? Tolong keluarkan lesen."
-Mr.Wise guy takes out his licence-
Police: "Dah melanggar peraaturan tau? traffic light dah warna merah ni. Eh? Lesen P? Mana sticker P?"
Chris: "Oh I baru tukar kerata tadi."
Police: "Tukar kereta? Mengikut undang-undang, kamu akan kenakan saman Rm300 dan dimerit 15 markah tau? Lesen memandu akan digantung. Dah melanggar lampu isyarat tapi tak pamirkan sticker P pun. Tahu ke tidak akibatnya?"
Chris: "Lesen akan digantung..."
Police: "Ya."
Chris: "Bang tolonglah bang.."
Police: "Berapa ada?"
Chris: "I ada Rm50 aje bang... -shows wallet-"
Police: "Rm60-70 ada?"
*for some reason, i voiced out and said i have RM20. I gave him.*
Chris: "Ada ada."
-The police gives Mr.Wise guy back his licence and in exchange, we pay him RM70-
Chris: "Terima kasih ah."

After that incident, I kept on saying that I really cant believe I helped this kinda of people rasuah!
But in the same time, takkan i just leave Chris paying his saman (that would be 4 times mroe!) and gantungkan his licence right?

Anyway, it is indeed a memorable and quite an expensive dinner that we had.


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