Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Royal Melbourne Show.
Will update soon, promise.

Having my mid-sem break now. What's my plan? Stay in and do my assignments. The worst thing is, my first paper starts on 30th of Oct. Which is like exactly a month away! Haven been doing any readings AT ALL. Shit la how how how.

And why the heck is my chatbox at the bottom of my page again!?

Friday, September 25, 2009

23 Sept - House Crawl 2!

Yes another round of house crawl. This time, theme for our house is

Thongs, shorts, casual top, Aussie flag is all we need!


I really enjoy events that they have here- everyone's required to participate and dress up. You can't find this in Malaysia really..

Christine (we call her Chook), our assistant college head.

Kris, our college head. Freaking tall woi.

Loving them all! HOUSE 5 ROCKS!

Next, house 4 - Easter Day!

House 3 - Halloween

House 2 - Aussie Race

House 1 - Christmas

While I was waiting for my turn to shower, I had some pure vodka shots with Tim and Emma. Got abit tipsy and didnt bathe that night HAHA!

It was a great night =)