Sunday, August 31, 2008

2 more minutes.
Goodbye Merdeka, welcome September!

I'll go to the bank very often when it comes to September.
All the September babies: My mom, brother, brother-in-law, Sophie, Melissa, Wei Jie & Kar Mun

No eye see ah.
I shall snooze people.
Wake me up, when September ends...

Was damn hyper 30 minutes ago.
May it's the tom yam I ate just now -.-

Adrenaline level falling.

haiyo... I wanna sleep la. Can I finish up my BTW tomorrow instead??
Just one more question............ since i kinda figure out how to write.

by the way..


anyone gonna watch the ceremony tomorrow? heh

Saturday, August 30, 2008

Currently listening to: Jesse McCartney - Leavin'

I'm proud to say that I stayed up till 4am yesterday just to finish up my Business Law QUESTION 2!

I was nagging and complaining the other day to my mom.

"haiyoo... i wish im still a baby. no worries. nothing."
"baby? you wish"


okay, something is wrong with blogspot again.
bear with it guys

my.. ex-maid. which I don't remember her name -.-
According to mommy, she's a Malaysian.

Hmm.. I think it was my mom's birthday.
"Cake anyone?"

1 year old!
And my name is being spelled wrongly!

And mom said that I used to be 'very quiet'

I have this bad habit when I was young.
Used "do my business" infront of the TV with the fan being switched on.
I can't tahan the heaty feeling in the toilet -.-
Or maybe I should call it a weird habit

Hmmmm.... No wonder I don't like to sweat now.


I look very much like a boy right?
Well I seldom wear dress or skirt when I was young.
And my mom used to think that I'm a boy. In a sarcastic way.

had a really weird conversation with Mello.

Mel-is-sa says:
Mel-is-sa says:
Mel-is-sa says:
Mel-is-sa says:
c ya
Evelyn says:
Evelyn says:
sleep tight
Evelyn says:
Mel-is-sa says:
pls dont dream of me
Mel-is-sa says:
Evelyn says:
....dont worry la.. cause u know i wont
Mel-is-sa says:
yeah..not worried..heh
Evelyn says:

ok. back to business.
i HAVE to complete question 2 by tonight!

Friday, August 29, 2008

Ever receive nonsense chain letter whereby they'll ask u to forward it and something will happen to you if you don't?
ie: bad luck within XX minutes. being killed O_O bad luck in love. monkeys will start chasing on u.

Now, even P1 has a chain letter hahaha!
Started off by Racho the class rep.

I'm surprise that most of them replied the mail hahaha.
Always excited to read mails from them!
I bet we're the only class who keeps in touch like this!
After all, P1 is the 'coolest' class in SAM! according to Ms. Cheryl

Well done Rach!


Thursday, August 28, 2008

Went to uni at 11am today and discussed Business Law assignment.
Mel and WeiG ciao-ed at 1pm. So it's just Shen, Kim and I.
Been staying at the library eversince then.
Didn't really do much I should say, just can't get myself to focus!

By 3.30pm, I started playing games from my laptop -_-
Since we intent to apply for the inter-campus exchange program, Kim and I checked accommodations for both on campus and off campus. Quite expensive woi.

Packed at 4.30pm, wanted to head home.
Was thinking whether a not I should come back to uni for assignments again tomorrow.
Everyone said that there's no more Business Law books available in the library. Rather than guessing around, I went and check from the library computer. Eh mana tau there's still books available la!
After searching for 15 mins, i decided to borrow 4 books home.
Peeps, there's still books at the library so don't worry..
Maybe some of you may think that I'm 'kiasu' or something, but what can I do? I just don't feel like going back to uni tomorrow...

Whenever a person is with xxx, he/she will become the villain.


It's 2.07am.
Why am I not asleep?
Too excited la dei.



oh it's 2.09am already.
Ready for some games!


Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Was reading Business Law yesterday.
I don't know whether am I too stressed up or something, suddenly I feel like things around me started to spin.
In my heart I was thinking "okay, time for bed.."
I stand up, and started walking towards the toilet. But the problem is, I cant even get to walk in a straight line! It feels like I'm drunk or something, but my head really really hurts. wtf
There's even times when I feel like throwing up...

Excessive level of stress will lead to dizziness and nausea.
NOW I know how it felt like.

I think I'm down with anxiety disorder -_-

Tuesday, August 26, 2008


*the right one*


Why la so blur when we called u today?!
Sleeping issit -_-
Or our birthday song too touching?

heh heh.

lunch tomorrow people?

Monday, August 25, 2008

I can't wait for semester break!
I seriously, seriously need some time off to catch up with my readings. especially psychology!!!!
Haven been reading Psych Bernstein book since last sem -_-

Ahh.. gotta stay back till 7pm again tomorrow.
Got mid-semester assessment for Marketing.
25 questions, 1 hour?

random i know.

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Watched Wall.E the other day. Great movie I should say!
Or maybe I should put it this way, it's the best cartoon movie I've ever watched!

It's really amazing that Wall.E can actually drive everyone's attention even though it is a silent movie! Really touching when Wall.E fell for EVE.

I dont mind watching again though.
I know I haven been updating for quite sometime.
Thousand apology.
Been very very busy with assignments la.... And you know, sometimes i just need some time off.
So yeah..

This is the long awaited post about making sandwiches during Management lecture.
haha -.-

Ingredients needed: cucumber, tomato, tuna, mayonnaise, bread and cheese.

Take out your bread

and cut some cucumbers



add tuna & mayonnaise and it's ready to serve!

According to Ms. Elaine, our management lecturer, she said that she suffered from food poisoning or some sort after eating THAT sandwich.
Entah la. Since all 3 of them wore gloves while making the sandwich.

despite all the fun we're having.. to be honest, i don't like attending management classes.
Both lectures AND tutorials. Always giving us the beh song face.
Beh song then don't blardy teach la!

So many things to do, so little time.
Apa macam la dei?

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

It's gonne be another longggg day today....
I'm currently having psych lab class. later on, i still have psychology lecture replacement to attend. Kononya to replace holiday on 1st of Sept, which, it is suppose to be the holiday.


Marketing presentation tomorrow.
Dont know why but my nerves are killing me!!
Interlearn 2.1, law assignment, mid semester assessment due within 1 and half weeks!!!!
the worse thing is, i haven even start doing any of it.
Its not cause im lazy k, its just that i really dont have the time to do so!!

GG anot haih....

feeling sleepy already -_-
hopefully i wont loose my parking ticket again today...


Monday, August 18, 2008

Class from 10am - 3.30pm. Then 5pm - 8pm today.


Some lecturer from Monash, Australia came to Malaysia for this compulsory lab classes thingy. We have this every year, but this is my first time having class till 8pm!

Despite that, i fucking lost my carpark ticket just now!!!!!

I paid the ticket, but I think I forgot to take my ticket out from the machine.
Mother, when i reached my car, i then realized its lost!
I ran all the way back to the ticketing machine, and it's not there! I asked the security guard, but they said they dint see any......

No, i did not pay the fine for the lost ticket in which it'll cost me RM20. To my surprise, the security guard gave me a new ticket and asked me to pay Rm2 instead (cause its Rm2 per entry).

How i know, maybe i pretty?


ahh... what a tiring day..... and now, i gotta start my marketing presentation slides for this coming Thursday.... sienz.

Sunday, August 17, 2008





Friday, August 15, 2008

Woke up pretty early today, say around 8.30am. Bathe and went to Monash.
I'm really frustrated towards Monash's computers at lab11!!
Like what Mel said, "my granda can even walk faster than this!"
I laughed cause it sounds funny, but now when I think about it, it really makes me wonder what does that suppose to mean -.-

Spend 3 good hours studying at Monash library.
I guess I'm done with Marketing weekly submission, just need to type it out.
Just when I wanted to leave Monash, someone called and said there's changes in plan. Not going to meet up. And so, i headed home..
I don't know why but I was feeling really frustrated while driving home. There's so many things going in my mind lately...

Oh and I realized there's lots of dead animals along the LDP highway, from Puchong to Subang: from dogs, cats and even monkeys sometimes! bloody road. wtf.

The hell gate has opened peeps. So becareful when u're on the road ;)

old times which i really miss...

Thursday, August 14, 2008

有人说我要求太高? 可能吧。。。


Wednesday, August 13, 2008

I love cartoons.
Used to watch Cow and Chicken everyday with my sis -.-

We just love them =D

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

It feels like I'm currently living in hell.
You have no idea the number of assessment that I'm suppose to deal with.

I think I'm not catching up with the syllabus.

Monday, August 11, 2008

First class education.


Speaking about tutors, I am just trying to clarify something that I don't understand!
But now you're telling me that you don't even have an idea what the assignment is about!?

This is what I get after paying 15k??

I hate Management tutorial.


Made sushi that day haha.

prepared all the ingredients needed.

30 mins later....


well okay.
I know it doesn't look appetizing, but it tasted really good woi
and im already very proud of myself for be able to make such 'high standard & quality' sushis.


later that evening, went to sis's house.
went there because we're planning to stay over and watch Beijing Olympics opening ceremony together. huhu

played Wii. it was reallly tiring!
sweat like nobody's business!
Good game really -_-
i wish i had one, can exercise mah! heh

dinner at 7pm

was SOO proud over the sushi i made.
even sis said it was good hohohohoho

Beijing Olympics Opening Ceremony was realllyy cool!!!!
watched until i had goosebumps all over me -.-
Good job, China!

and i slept at 5am that day.
dont ask me why. even i dont know what has got into me.

Saturday, August 9, 2008

I need a break.

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Random facts about me..

1. I dislike raw food.
2. Facebook is just too confusing!
3. I'd love to have one large fries from McDonald's now.
4. I have lots of work to do but I'm still blogging now.
5. I love blue tops but I don't have any of them.

One of the shot i took last year.

....I'm not happy

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Currently listening: 30 Seconds to Mars- Beautiful Lie


Stress ah stress.
So many things to do, so little time..
Marketing presentation next week, Management assignment next week, Business Law assignment, Psychology Interlearns, Marketing weekly hand-ins etc...


Have you ever been to lectures that show ways of making a sandwich?
Well Monash does hahhaha!
Making sandwich infront of 100 students!
Freaking funny!
Wanna know how? Pics will be posted up soon!!
Stay tuned~

Oh! Here's something that I'd like to share with you people....

That's me and Kim racing on the chair.
Was in one of the empty computer lab. haha -.-

I really need to complete my Management assignment and Marketing presentation slides by this week =/

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Almost had heart attack today.
And I seriously think that there's something wrong with Building 6's lift!


As mentioned, class was at 1pm today. Since I was 30 minutes early, so I decided to go to computer lab to print my notes.
Wanted to go to Building 9 to take the lift instead, but it was quite far away, and I was kinda lazy to walk over to Building 9 la. Plus, David said they fixed the lift already, so i dint hesitate much and waited for the lift to go to the computer lab located at level 4.

Now here's where weird things starts happening...

The lift came, I went in. Pressed 4, and the door closed.
Right after the door closed, I realized the lift is not working! You can feel it right when the lift is moving up. I was like "Fuck!" (influenced by u ady weijie)
Button 1 was blinking non-stop..
I pressed all the buttons that can be pressed la.. 2,3,5.. BUT STILL! IT'S NOT WORKING!
I pressed the open button, but the door just wont open!
and the worse thing is.. I WAS ALONE IN THE FUCKING LIFT WOI!
I turned and looked behind, no one, nothing..

Just when I lifted my hands wanting to press the emergency button, the door opened. and it said "first floor".. I'm like what the hell man. I ran out from the lift, and used the stairs instead.
I don't know why i got the courage la, but when i reached level2, i tried using the lift once more -_-
and yes, i was still alone.
the other lift came, i went in, pressed 4, and the next thing i know is that i reached level 4 already.

I always wonder, what happens if I'm stuck alone in the lift.
and you know what? It's a horrible experience.
But I'm really proud of myself though, I have the guts to take the lift for the second time haha.
Caught with flu, sore throat, fever and cough.


woke up at 9am. studied Business Law and i don't fuggin understand.
just say la when ure giving out an offer!

class at 1pm till 5pm later. shitness.

off for shower!
Mel wait for me!! ahaha

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Life is so unpredictable.
With all the technologies available, but still.... life is so fragile.

My condolences to Chris's family and relatives.